Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cameron Hughes Lot 90 2006 Tannat Lodi, California

This is the first 100% Tannat wine we’ve sampled. Tannat is a red grape grown primarily in Southwest France and Uruguay (and to a lesser extent in Argentina, Italy, and a handful of other locations including, apparently, California). Cameron Hughes is a negociant, buying wines from some top wineries and selling at discount prices.

The wines are available at discount stores such as Costco, Sam’s Club, and also World Market.

We picked up our bottle at Walt Churchill’s Market in Maumee for only $6, which is an amazing bargain.

The Lot 90 is big on blueberry flavor and is a big wine with a full texture and robust body. In some countries, Tannat is used as a blending grape with Cabernet Sauvignon or other grape varieties. It’s easy to see why. This grape is heavy on the tannins and high in acidity.

This is a nice bargain that is worth checking out, if only so that you can casually drop the phrase, “I had a really interesting bottle of Tannat recently,” at your next party.
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