Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Joys of Regional Wine: In 47 Words

October 9 through 15 is Regional Wine Week. The event is promoted by, which focuses on wine made in places other than California, Washington and Oregon which are the giants in United States wine production.

Part of the festivities includes a contest to sum up the lure and reward of regional wines – but do it in exactly 47 words (to represent those other wine producing states). We’re completely behind this effort and consider it a great service to the wine-loving public.

You’ll notice that our editorial content consists of: 1. Toledo area wine events and tastings, 2. Reports on regional wineries and wines, and 3. Tasting notes on wines that interest us from around the country and the world.

We dish this out in mostly equal portions and for our purposes we define regional wineries as those within a day’s drive of Toledo. We also feature a list of wineries within 100 miles of Toledo and believe those deserve special attention from those in Northwest Ohio.

And now, here it is – freshly fermented and bottled for you – our 47-word praise of regional wine…

Genuine. Authentic. Rooted deep in the soil of states like Ohio, Michigan , Indiana , Virginia , Texas, Colorado and areas like Ontario and the Finger Lakes. People and grapes blend harmoniously together in regional wines that are real with quality that can surprise. Pour a glass!

Whaddaya think?
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