Thursday, September 30, 2010

White Winemaking Experience Set for Round Barn Winery in Michigan

Bookmark and Share   The Round Barn Winery, 10983 Hills Road, Baroda, Michigan, (800) 716-9463, is offering a unique opportunity for you to make your own wine on October 2 and 3.
Cranberry Dessert wine at Round Barn Winery, D...Image via Wikipedia

Are you looking to "live your dream?" Round Barn Winery can help you do it by giving you a chance to be a winemaker for a couple of days. They even narrowed it down to the two best days of the year... harvest and bottling. After picking grapes from their vineyard, the Round Barn winemaker and staff will guide you in crafting two cases of your very own wine. Appetizers and wine are provided for both days and these events are limited to 20 couples each.

The best part? Even if Robert Parker doesn't give you 90 points your friends and family will still be impressed

The cost per two people is $475.

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